Website Designing with HTML5

24 Nov

HTML5 is the newest version of the HTML Language that was advanced in the late 80’s in an attempt to show records that interfaced to one another. Earlier it was developed to describe a content structure and to let linking of the internal page for easy navigation.

Video, Audio and Output – Nowadays, multimedia is in the boom with the users grasping information in the form of audio and visuals. HTML5 Allow very easy to execute tags for video ( “” ) and audio ( “” ) and complete customization with various codecs and JavaScript. The sole purpose is to make the content working exactly the same way you want. 

Some Pros And Cons Of HTML5 Technology are as follows:


  1. Inbuilt –  Now with the aid of HTML5, We can embed video and audio, charts and animation, high-quality drawings without the use of any 3rd party plugins and programmes. 
  2. Clean Coding – HTML 5 will allow web designers to practice cleaner, neater code; we can eliminate most div tags & substitute them with Nellaiseo semantic HTML 5 elements.
  3. Standardized Semantics – Through HTML5 elements we can upsurge the semantic value of the site page as the HTML codes are very uniform.
  4. All fancy items enabled – New update of HTML enables to use fancier forms like user interface enhancements, search and different fields for diverse purpose etc.
  5. Consistency – HTML 5 provides a decent consistency by using code in web page on website compared to other. This makes easy for developers and designers know how the page is structured.


  1. Media Licensing Problems – Html5 limit us to use rich media due to its licensing issues and for that, it needs to be compressed in multiple formats or better browser compatible. 
  2. Language Updates – Anytime the HTML5 code could alter by the main developers. Every year updates come which further complicate the things. 
  3. Browser Support – One of the important disadvantages of HTML5 is only best supports an internet browser. 

Update In Technology IN HTML5
Since 2004, HTML is rolling out an update every year. Below are some of the update came up in 2018.

  • # A Native < dialog > Element
  • < dialog open>
  • # Payment Request API:
  • # Multiple < main> Elements:

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